Kamis, 05 Agustus 2021

Betty: The International Bestseller Tiffany McDaniel fiche de lecture

Betty: The International Bestseller

par Tiffany McDaniel
Betty: The International Bestseller

Betty: The International Bestseller Tiffany McDaniel fiche de lecture -

Détails de Betty: The International Bestseller

Titre du livre : Betty: The International Bestseller

Auteur : Tiffany McDaniel

ISBN-10 : 978-1474617536

Date de sortie : 12 août 2020

Catégorie : Tiffany McDaniel

Nom de fichier : betty-the-international-bestseller.pdf

Taille du fichier : 18.93 (La vitesse du serveur actuel est 28.2 Mbps

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les commentaires du lecteur après avoir lu Betty: The International Bestseller. Vous pouvez considérer pour votre référence.
I didn't realize I'd read over 400 pages until I was done reading this book. And then I wanted more. I loved Betty and her sad little world in the woods. Betty seemed to have inherited the best from both her parents. Dad was a storyteller, a mystic, who knew the Cherokee history and its rich meshing with the natural world. But he had been beaten down by injustice and prejudice. Her mother was probably bipolar but back in the days when doctors (not ambulances) pulled up to the house for emergencies, mental illness wasn't diagnosed, just worked around. At her best, Mom was caring and creative, once serving her children an imaginary meal when they had no food. Since Betty is half-Cherokee and dark-skinned like her father (the rest of the siblings are fair), she endures taunts from her fellow student, her teachers, and even her mother. But Betty endures. She is made of stern stuff. I can see the Carpenter children playing in the woods, swimming in the water tower, lighting fires in the church and wonder why no one was keeping tabs on them. This is the harsh reality: Dad was probably sleeping off the effects of his homemade brew and the mother may not have cared. But the children could get hurt, I think. And some do. And some, like Betty, survive and grow. The author brilliantly draws us into this Southern Ohio Appalachia, and shows us a beautiful girl, Betty Carpenter, and her wacky, strangely-lovable, dysfunctional family.

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